Make Sure Your Roof Cleaner is Covered with Workers’ Compensation Code 5551

Make Sure Your Roof Cleaner is Covered with Workers’ Compensation Code 5551

Make Sure Your Roof Cleaner is Covered with Workers’ Compensation Code 5551

Think all roofers and roof cleaners are the same, despite variations in price? Think again. When you hire any random roofer, it’s really important to verify a few facts, and one of the most important is whether they are properly insured as a “roofer.” Because of the way worker’s compensation works, anyone performing any type of work on a residential roof, including cleaning, is considered a “roofer,” and as a homeowner, you become liable for any injuries sustained on your roof. There are many companies out there who do not back themselves up with the appropriate insurance, and just because they advertise themselves as “licensed & insured” does not mean they are, nor does it mean it is a guarantee that they have the right coverage. Therefore, it is in your best interest to do the most responsible thing when hiring a roof cleaning company, and research them thoroughly. Read more

Understanding Florida Workers’ Compensation Code 5551

Clean Roof Experts

Understanding Florida Workers’ Compensation Code 5551

If you’re looking to hire or start a roofing company in Florida, it is imperative that you’re familiar with Class Code 5551. In the world of workers’ compensation, this is the one code that can protect you and your employees from a world of worry and financial struggles. Known as a high risk workers’ compensation code, Code 5551 includes employees in all facets of the roofing industry, yard employees and drivers.

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